AstroPhotography 07/26/2009—07/18/2020

Pictures I have taken of objects in the sky.
Red tree and Milky Way Sagittarius between a tree and rock
Sagittarius between a tree and rock
Windmill_Sag_Saturn Sagittarius to the left of the windmill with Saturn at the top of the teapot.
Sagittarius to the left of the windmill with Saturn at the top of the teapot.
Startrails 3 Individual images stacked together to form the star trails around Polaris
Individual images stacked together to form the star trails around Polaris
Star Trails
Double_Iridium_20170513 2 Iridium flares just 30 seconds apart.
2 Iridium flares just 30 seconds apart.
20170209_181701 Taken with Samsung Galaxy S5 phone thru 8
Taken with Samsung Galaxy S5 phone thru 8" f/6
Stack-14-images 14 images stacked. 18mm. camera sitting on back of Dob on tracking platform
14 images stacked. 18mm. camera sitting on back of Dob on tracking platform
MilkyWay Milky Way moving across the sky
Milky Way moving across the sky
IMG_7392 Before sunrise, there is a sundog on the right and high in the sky, a sun pillar rising from the mountain.
Before sunrise, there is a sundog on the right and high in the sky, a sun pillar rising from the mountain.
Moon-Venus-Jupiter-2015-07-18 Moon, Venus and Jupiter to the right. July 18, 2015, from Dark Site in Columbus.
Moon, Venus and Jupiter to the right. July 18, 2015, from Dark Site in Columbus.
IMG_7005 Bright Venus, the Moon at the tree line, and Jupter to the right and slightly down from Venus. Julyl 17, 2015, from Dark Site in Columbus.
Bright Venus, the Moon at the tree line, and Jupter to the right and slightly down from Venus. Julyl 17, 2015, from Dark Site in Columbus.
Moon over Dome 2016 George Observatory on Astronomy Day, 2016
George Observatory on Astronomy Day, 2016
SuperMoon-2013-06-22 Super Moon over the George Observatory June 22, 2013
Super Moon over the George Observatory June 22, 2013
Space-Station-20121229 Space Station flyover Dec 29, 2012
Space Station flyover Dec 29, 2012
TSP2012Milky Way Milky Way rising over TSP2012
Milky Way rising over TSP2012
2012 03 24_9555
Jup Venus Moon 2012 03 24
Iridium -3 mag Iridium -3 magnitude on Mar 22, 2012 from Leakey Tx
Iridium -3 magnitude on Mar 22, 2012 from Leakey Tx
Iridium 0 mag Iridium flare, 0 magnitude on Mar 22, 2012 from Leakey Tx
Iridium flare, 0 magnitude on Mar 22, 2012 from Leakey Tx
IMG_4764_web Moon and Venus, 2010
Moon and Venus, 2010